My Step Sister, A Thief & A Liar
"My Step Sister, The Thief & A Liar"
Born to an abusive mother who tried to suffocate her with a pillow as a young child, my step sister was taken from our mother's care & sent to live with our Jehovah's Witness nan as her dad being the wasteman he is wanted nothing to do with her.
Growing up my step sister was a spiteful & compulsive liar who had trouble bonding with other children leading to a childhood without friends, minus the two so called mates who used to bully her on a regular basis.
From a young age she would talk about joining the army, but not having the highest of IQ's, she soon realised that this pipedream of hers would have to be replaced with minimum wage work, such as McDonald's, Tesco & KFC. All of which she was unable to hold down.
A short time later my step sister attended a child's birthday party, where she met a man many years older than herself who decided to have sex with her & impregnate her in another room whilst the rest of the household celebrated the child's day. Now unaware to my gormless little step sister at the time, this so called man was still married to his son's mother who he would sleep with regularly & just use her whenever he see fit.
From the very first day I met the father of my step sister's child I could clearly see something just wasn't right. A blatant victim of Little Man Syndrome, not only was this numpty controlling & coercive he was also a bully who would dictate my step sister's every move & encourage her to con money from our nan so that he could use the cash gained to pay off his Wife's mortgage so that his son wouldn't end up homeless. Wow, what a man!
But then again, this is the same man who charges my step sister £20 fuel if she wants to visit her Nan which is no more than £5 away.
The last time I heard, my step sister was scamming a minimum of £400 a month from both our nan & mum. Now on top of her benefits, child support & her baby dad's weekly wage, they sure are raking it in.
At one point when my step sister & her daughter's dad were homeless they went to live with my Alcoholic mum but my sister took to stealing my mum's jewellery & her babies dad the coward, would threaten to beat my mum up if she ever stood up for herself. Like I wouldn't have given his mother a good slap around Basildon Town if that p*ssy had laid a finger on her.
The pair of them even conspired to kidnap my own dog from me, but luckily for the health of their loved ones they chose to back down. I swear the outcome wouldn't have been pretty!
During a period I lived with my mum following a Cancer Operation, my step sister even went as far as making a false accusation regarding a 'gun my vulnerable mother supposedly had' just for Armed Essex Police to arrive & attack me, throwing me up a wall for no reason whatsoever, leading to Essex Police being made to issue a public apology in the local newspaper.
Now fast forward a few years later & my step sister's child (my niece) started to show serious signs of abuse.
The first was when she was expelled from play school at just three years old after laying on her back & saying to another child 'F*ck me, F*ck me!"
The second was the bruises that seemed to be mysteriously appearing on her & the third was when she picked up a pair of scissors & tried to stab her own mother, not once but twice! Lmao! Can anybody guess why?
After a long conversation with both my nan & mother, my nan encouraged me to call Social Services & make a complaint regarding the treatment of this poor child. Yet as soon as Social Services were involved, my nan decided to deny she had told me to make the call & instead chose to protest her innocence. And there's me thinking so-called Jehovah's Witneses cannot lie, hmmm.
What with the amount of odd behaviour my niece was portraying, my step sister then went on to have her illnesses officially diagnosed.
It turns out my niece is a full blown Schizophrenic, with Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar & Autism, all of which are blatant defects from the degenerate dad's side of the family! Lol...
Being related to this family of dysfunctional narcissistic f***tards, I did what was the right thing & moved away (Especially with my Jehovah's Witness nan & uncle still having regular contact with my aunty who sexually abused her own son, both also Witnesses). Yet as with all Narcissistic scum they hate to be rejected or ignored so set out to cause me even more pain & grief by stealing & binning absolutely every last possession & sentimental memory I had stored in storage at my nan's. This includes my whole entire music collection, all of my childhood belongings & every single photo I had of my daughter & dog.
When I found out what they had done, I phoned my Nan for her to shout down the phone & say:
"If you take your sister to court I'll lie & say I called you ten times. You didn't get your stuff so I threw it all out", before rudely hanging up the phone. Unluckily for that stupid old bint, I recorded the whole conversation, oops.
I then went on to text my uncle, step sister & her babies dad to say that if I don't get my belongings back within 48 hours I'll be phoning the police, just for my step sister to make false accusations to both Essex Police & Essex Family Court leading to me being given a gagging order refraining me from speaking on what has been done to me without even being given a court date, pfft!!
After all this is the same girl who uses her daughter as a weapon regularly, leading to my mother attempting to take her own life after my step sister refused to allow her to have any contact. Absolute scum!
Now the thing is when some dirty lowlife weasel steals someone's whole entire life from them then chances are there's going to be some type of payback & that my friend is called life.
Personally I couldn't give a toss about the lies, the gaslighting, the triangulation, the false allegations, or some stupid piece of paper issued to protect a Narcissist & their fragile little ego.
Though what I do strongly care about is my stuff being stolen & with that been said. I welcome any trash to come & take what's mine. But just know when you stupidly steal from someone both your kid's & grandkids may very well inherit the beef.
Copyright 2022 The Elusive Mr Dunne (All rights reserved)
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