I, like everybody on this earth have full right to live a peaceful, stress free, happy & fulfilled life but for some strange reason this highly narcissistic & toxic family on the other hand, felt different.. I walked away from my nan around 7/8 years ago now, quite simply because this nasty little woman & her two son's continued to maintain regular contact with the female relative who sexually abused her own child!! Now being a father myself, I did not want these pedophile enabling scum anywhere near me or my child, so I did what any decent human being would do & turned my back on the lot, unlike the dregs of the family who continued to allow their offspring around these souless parasites who hide behind a cult like religion in order to cover up their unforgivable sins against children. Sexual, mental & physical. Now, fast forward a few years later & that same dirty nan of mine could not stand the fact that I had the courage to walk away from this family...
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